The Fun Sunday School Teacher

A Sunday School teacher goes on a blind date.

While at dinner her date asks her if she would like some wine. She says, “No, what would my Sunday School kids say?”

So, they go on with their date. Later they are at the carnival and they were having a great time. He asks her, “Would you like a cigaratte?” She asks, “What would my kids say?” So she didn’t take one.

Well, on the way home after the date, they pass a motel. He looks at her and she looks at him and they both smile. He asks, “Do you wanna stop.” She just smiled big and he says, “I guess thats a yes.” So they stayed at the motel.

The next morning when he takes her home, he asks, “What are you going tell your Sunday School kids?” She says I tell them you don’t have to smoke or drink to have a good time.

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