Bigger Breasts

A lady wanted to have bigger breasts, so she went to her doctor to get a referral to a plastic surgeon. Her doctor said that he would like her to try an exercise before surgery or drugs and see how that works first. He stands up to demonstrate, holding his arms straight out to the sides, rotates them counterclockwise, and says, “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if I do this enough, I’ll have a big bust.” The doctor has her try it, telling her to do it as often as she can and to come back in another week.

One week later, she went back to the doctor’s office. She told him that it didn’t work. The doctor asked her how often she did the exercise. She said that she did it four to five times a day. The doctor told her to do it more, 30 times a day at least. He told her to come back again in one more week.

She tries this, performing the exercise whenever she can.

One day, as she waited to check out at the Supermarket, she started her exercise. “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if I do this enough, I’ll have a big bust.” The man in front of her turns around and asks her if she sees Dr. Johnson.

“Yes, how did you know?” she queries.

The man faces her, places both hands on his hips, moves his hips in a circular motion and says … “Hickory dickory dock …”

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